Monday, April 22, 2019

A Unified Field Theory Of The 2016 Election

I wrote this last June and thought I'd posted it but just realized failed to do so.  I think it holds up well now that the Weissman/Mueller report has been released.

Now that the IG Report has rained downed yet another blow to the Trump-Russia collusion fantasy, and we know that everything breathlessly reported to us for the past two years by the NY Times/WaPo/CNN has been inaccurate, and the much-maligned (by those same outfits) Rep Nunes has proven the most accurate source, we can see how this all happened in three simple steps, though it turned out to be a huge miscalculation by the Clintons, the Democrats, and the media.

Step One: Encourage Donald Trump To Seek The GOP Nomination
The Clinton campaign and its allies figured Trump would be the easiest opponent to beat, and even if he didn’t get the nomination, would raise havoc with the rest of the GOP field.

Bill Clinton speaks with Trump urging him to get into the race.

Democratic media ensures Trump gets enormous coverage (remember when CNN was the Trump Network 24/7) while ignoring the rest of the GOP field.

[UPDATED:  I thought at the time and still think that when Trump announced he was running he did not expect to win the nomination.  I think his reasons for announcing were:

1. Enhancing the Trump brand - he's been brilliant at that.
2. He'd been spouting off on politics for years and threatening to run and, because of his age, this was probably his last chance.
3. He hated Jeb Bush the GOP frontrunner.
4. He likes to have fun.

Nor do I think that when he won the nomination did he expect to win the election.] 

Step Two: Get Hillary Out of the Email Mess To Clear The Decks For Her Campaign
Obama sends clear public message to his “wingmen” at DOJ and the FBI that Hillary has not committed a crime. (How this intervention alone did not trigger special counsel, independent of the DOJ, is still unfathomable).

The FBI/DOJ treats Hillary investigation with kid gloves. Destroying evidence? No problem! You need immunity? No problem! Need to have fact witness (Cheryl Mills) masquerade as Clinton lawyer and sit in on witness interviews? No problem!

Write draft exoneration memo before interviewing Clinton.

Have McCabe massage the draft memo to eliminate language that otherwise indicates Clinton committed crime, as well as embarrassing reference to Clinton sending classified emails to Obama while in Russia.

Ensure AG Lynch knows Comey will exonerate Clinton, before she announces she will leave decision to him.

Step Three: Beat Trump
This is the easiest step of all! Trump’s an idiot; how can Hillary possibly lose! Just to make sure, help compound Trump’s ineptness regarding his stupid statements on Putin and Russia with an insurance policy via leaks to press regarding Manafort and Page and their supposed active connections with Russia (which turn out to be completely false). Use innuendo about DNC email leaks, Wikileaks, and the Russians, to further impugn Trump campaign. Make sure your allies at DOJ and FBI never examine DNC server.

The other benefit for the Clintons is that the attacks on Trump help obscure their problem with the tens of millions of dollars coming to the Clinton Foundation from corrupt Russian oligarchs with Kremlin ties.

And now we have the perfect contrast between the amateurish Trump campaign and the professional Inside the Beltway Clinton campaign.

Amateurish failure: The Glimmer Twins, Fredo Trump Jr and Jared from Subway, meet at Trump Tower with Russian lawyer tied to Putin. Nothing comes of it, except 2017 headlines in the Democratic press.

Professional success: Clinton campaign uses cut-outs. Hires Perkins Coie, which hires Fusion GPS, which hires Christopher Steele, who hires folks to collude directly with Kremlin intelligence sources. Resulting product is filtered to sympathetic parties in press, DOJ, and FBI (and, as we know now, used to obtain FISA warrant to surveil the Trump campaign).

And here’s where the missteps began to accumulate. By late summer, Hillary looks like a certain winner. Obama decides not to make a big deal of Russian efforts to interfere with election by creating havoc, because with a Hillary victory seemingly a lock, raising it has the potential to backfire politically and help Trump. Same thing with the Steele dossier. Selective leaks and intimations in the press of Trump-Putin connection are enough to keep the issue alive, without adding to it direct release of the dossier.

Finally, Comey, certain of Clinton victory, decides to announce reopening of email investigation based on Weiner laptop since he know she will still be cleared and wants issue over so as not to taint her victory.

Post-Election Change of Strategy
When the unthinkable happens and Hillary loses, use your assets in government and media to destroy the Trump presidency and spin up the Russia connection out of thin air.  And, if you're at DOJ and the FBI, to cover your tracks now that the unexpected has happened.  It now looks like yet another massive miscalculation backfiring on its perpetrators. 

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