Sunday, July 26, 2020

Read It And Weep And Then Fight Back

"[Critical Race Theory] is evil.  It plays on people’s best nature; it takes good people and twists them to its purpose." 
 - James Lindsay, Progressive, operator of New Discourses, author, with Helen Pluckrose, of Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity - and Why This Harms Everybody (to be published next month), and crusader against Critical Race Theory, which if unchecked, will destroy liberal democracy because of its authoritarian nature.
I am writing so much on this topic because the Woke have created the greatest threat to the United States since the Civil War.  They either control or have intimidated many of our nation's leading institutions and have the functional support of one of our major political parties as they ramage through the streets of American cities and drive anyone who opposes them from the media, educational institutions and jobs.

This is not about police brutality and dealing with the vestiges of racism.  That's a useful discussion.

Instead we are under assault by race hustlers, grifters, haters, those bent on revenge, academic theorists of the left, and nihilists, all of whom hate America and everything it has ever stood for and manipulating the feelings of good people who do not understand the goal is revolution, not reform.

Here's a taste of what is going on:

As I've been saying a while it is difficult to tell the difference between white nationalist and Woke progressives.

Cecilia Loving, chief diversity and inclusion officer of the New York City Fire Department defends a decision to kick Lt. Daniel McWilliams — one of three firefighters in the iconic 9/11 Ground Zero flag-raising photo — off a color-guard procession so it would be all-black.

Loving said it’s okay to replace a white member with an African-American to “uplift our identities and our separate ethnicities in order to instill a sense of pride and community and support for one another.”

The New York Times and its readers have been delusional for four years in calling Donald Trump a fascist and projecting all of their authoritarian visions onto a fictional version of the Trump administration.  There are many repellent things about Trump but he is not a fascist and many of his worst remarks make him sound like a Woke progressive (see What Would Otter Do?)
For years I underestimated the impact of what I saw as silly theories being taught to college students.  I was wrong.  And now I find out that over the past decade these same hateful and divisive theories have infiltrated K-12 education.

Letter from Seattle Chief of Police informing residents that due to the actions of the City Council the police can no longer protect their property from the rioters who have been supported by that same City Council.  In Woke America, you are on your own.


I am a mom, a public defender, an elected public-school council member and a City Council candidate. But at a city Department of Education anti-bias training, I was instructed to refer to myself as a “white woman” — as if my whole life reduces to my race.

Those who oppose this ideology are shunned and humiliated, even as it does nothing to actually improve our broken schools.

Though facing severe budget cuts, the DOE has spent more than $6 million for the training, which defines qualities such as “worship of the written word,” “individualism” and “objectivity” as “white-supremacy culture.”
Read on. 


On police defunding.  The consequences, more crime and violence impacting minorities disproportionately, are actually intended by its proponents.

"Nice" white parents are the problem with public education.  In related news, KIPP Academies, a respected charter school network has dropped its motto of "Work Hard. Be Nice." because of its association with white supremacy.  Little did we know!  And, by the way, it is a myth public schools have been defunded in recent decades.

How patronizing!

DiAngelo is not only a racist, she's a grifter.


Well, it is a good thing to have some ambition in life.
Multifactoral causation?  Nah, that's white privilege.  Tweet from African American professor at historically black university.

A progressive journalist exposing the media scam reporting the riots and protests were "mostly peaceful".  In reality they had devastating consequences for the lives and livelihoods of those in minority communities.  Read on.

More crap from Robin DiAngelo.

Yet another Progressive weighs in to object:


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