Monday, February 7, 2022

Stand Up


Though it was 1971's Aqualung that made Jethro Tull a huge rock n roll band and major concert attraction, I've always preferred their two prior albums, 1969's Stand Up, and Benefit, released the following year.

The band's first album, This Was, released in the fall of 1968, had a modest impact and featured Beggar's Farm but it was Stand Up that made them well-known in America.  The album was released during a remarkable period in the late summer and early fall of 1969 which also saw the release of Abbey Road, The Band by The Band (which I consider a perfect album), Green River by Creedence Clearwater Revival, Santana's first album and Led Zeppelin II.  In November would come Let It Bleed by The Stones. 

I purchased Stand Up upon its release.  Each track is strong with tight songwriting and playing.  Here are two tracks, Back To The Family and Reasons For Waiting.


Benefit was also a consistently strong album; Teacher and A Time For Everything.

Aqualung certainly had its high points; the guitar solo on the title song (starts at 3:30 here), and the three short melodic tunes, but much of the rest was too bombastic for my tastes.  I saw them play on the Aqualung tour and Tull put on a great show.  The followup, Thick As A Brick, had some interesting material but after that I stopped following the group.

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