Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Right Move

New House Speaker McCarthy announced that Adam Schiff would not be allowed a spot on the House Intelligence Committee which he chaired in the last two sessions of Congress.  The right move.  

In June 2017 the Committee began hearings on Russian interference in the 2016 election, which continued until March 2018.  Though Representative Schiff was only the ranking minority member of the committee at the time, he effectively ran the hearings, as gutless wonder Paul Ryan had given into a bogus Democratic complaint regarding Chairman Devin Nunes which removed him from the hearing. Transcripts were submitted to the Director of National Intelligence for review before being released to the public because officials such as Susan Rice and Samantha Power were among those testifying.  The transcripts were cleared for release at the beginning of 2019 but by that time the Democrats had taken control of Congress and Schiff refused to release them until, finally, DNI Grenell threatened to do so on his own initiative, leading to their release in May 2020.

So, for nearly three years, Schiff was able to leave the hearings and make pronouncements about the dire, indeed criminal activities unearthed in the testimony (the committee also had access to witness emails and telephone records).  He provided a series of juicy stories to his accomplices in the media, all of whom promoted the Trump collusion narrative.  The problem was that everything Schiff said was a lie including, to quote Mary McCarthy's take on Lillian Hellman, "even 'and' and 'the'.

How do I know this?  Once the 5,977 pages of transcripts were released I read them all, unlike the media stenographers reporting Schiff's every word.  It's all there, Alfa Bank, Deutsche Bank, Trump in Moscow, the Trump Tower meeting in NYC, the Ukraine platform at the GOP convention, etc, and there was nothing there.  Schiff knew it all along, and just lied, knowing well his audience and knowing he would never be held accountable.   I wrote up my conclusions in the 53 Transcripts series.

Adam Schiff, along with Hillary Clinton, the Intelligence Community, the New York Times, and the Washington Post could not have done more damage to this country and trust in its institutions if they had been paid agents of the Kremlin.  The same goes for Donald Trump based on his actions since the November 2020 election.

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