Monday, June 24, 2013

Take A Look Around

To celebrate its 125th anniversary, National Geographic released a lot of photos from its archives which can be found here.  It's worth taking a look and poking around for awhile.  The earliest dated photo I've seen is from 1907 and it seems like 95% of the pictures are prior to 1975.  Below are three samples - a Hong Kong street scene from 1934, the New Mexico border (1940?) and the Golden Horn at Constantinople.  A couple of things I noticed are (1) the world seemed less crowded and (2) people, including children, are doing stuff that today we would think of as very unsafe.  We've become a lot more timid over the years.

Vendors and pedestrians along a steep staircase in Hong Kong, November 1934.Photograph by W. Robert Moore, National GeographicA tourist stops to get directions from a cop in New Mexico.Photograph by Luis Marden, National GeographicThe Golden Horn at Galatea in Constantinople, now modern-day Istanbul.Photograph by Jules Gervais Courtellemont, National Geographic

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