Saturday, July 31, 2021

School Daze

Every time I think this New Racism thing can't get worse I read something like this, Why Private Schools Have Gone Woke.  With the assault on public school education by the New Racists and with the full endorsement of the teachers unions (American Federation of Teachers and National Educational Association) there is a full scale battle now occurring as parents as beginning to push back on Divisiveness, Intolerance and Exclusion (DIE).  Some are proposing a further emphasis on private schools and state action to allow parents to divert their funding to private education.

Although we've seen some terrible examples of DIE and the New Racism in elite public schools (for examples, read Fighting Back) it still seemed as though this might be a viable tactic.  However, the linked article from the Washington Free Beacon explains that the National Association of Independent Schools, which has a prestigious accreditation process for private schools, has been taken over by advocates, who require DIE and New Racist curriculum to be installed in order to maintain accreditation.  It's not easy for private schools to walk about from this process, since part of their selling point is their ability to get students into leading colleges and colleges look down on private schools who are not accredited through NAIS.

As author Aaron Sibarium notes:

But families seeking less ideological schools have been struggling to find them, several parents told the Washington Free Beacon, because all the accreditors mandate the same ideology. The rapid restructuring of curricula is less the result of a free market responding to customers and more the result of demands by the National Association of Independent Schools, a centralized, self-dealing bureaucracy that has largely eliminated parent choice.

"The association is a cartel," one parent said. "You think you have a choice but you don’t."

Two forces hold that cartel together: diversity consultants who benefit from the accreditation establishment, and parents who are unwilling to challenge it because it serves as a pipeline to elite colleges. At the behest of the association, accreditors create demand for the consultancies, which in turn create demand for the association’s services, including its own DEI resources. Parents dissatisfied with this feedback loop nonetheless face pressures to tolerate it: Opting out could jeopardize their kids’ ticket to the Ivy League.

I've read other investigative pieces by Sibarium and regard him as a reliable source.  I also recommend his twitter feed.

Just another piece of evidence that America is plunging into an interlocking web of government action and institutional rot and takeover which is becoming increasingly hard to escape or undo. 

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