If you're tired of vacations where all you do is just sit around and are looking for some adventure consider driving La Carretera de los Yungas, more popularly known as the Bolivian Death Road (aka The World's Most Dangerous Highway as described by DangerousRoads.org). Running from Bolivia's capital, La Paz to the city of Coroico, the Yungas Road is 50 miles long, unpaved, 10 feet wide, much of it above 10,000 feet elevation with sheer drops of up to 3,000 feet, no guard rails and subject to frequent mud and rock slides. Two to three hundred travelers a year lose their lives on the road.
Here's a typical day on the road:
For some background and further views of the road watch this video. At the end it features a man who lost his family on the road in 1978 and now serves as a one-person traffic crew at a particularly dangerous spot.
Wow! dm