Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Tim Walz is simply Gavin Newsom without the Gordon Gekko/American Psycho affect.

Same policies and both are driving their states into the ground. 

Kamala and Tim's history of working together probably helped in the selection.  As someone else has already pointed out, back in 2020 Tim let minority areas of Minneapolis burn to the ground while Kamala raised funds to bail out the perpetrators.

I am surprised by the choice.  Minnesota is not a swing state; Pennsylvania is.  And I've seen enough of Gov. Shapiro to know that while his policies are progressive, his rhetoric is very unthreatening to non-progressives, while Walz is proudly an insane and vocal leftist. The selection is revealing in two ways.

1. Since Biden dropped out, Kamala has been desperately running away from her radical left positions, but Walz is a signal to the radicals who run the party that, whatever Kamala is now saying, don't worry, because after the election it will be business as usual.  Her positions in this campaign are merely to fool the rubes. 

2.  I had figured that after Kamala, the next Democratic nominee would be from the Hamas wing of the party, but things have moved faster than anticipated.  As mentioned, Shapiro is from a swing state, can sound like a normie to those not carefully following politics, but differed from the radicals in refusing to denounce Israel.  This tells you who wields the power in the Democratic Party of 2024.

Sadly, it's no surprise.  The top domestic priority of the Biden Administration is promoting the conspiracy theory that whites and Jews have plotted to manipulate the language and structures of our society to attain and maintain White Supremacy and this system must be dismantled.  The administration's two DEI Executive Orders and its appointments show its commitment to implementing race essentialism into every aspect of the Federal government.  The rejection of Shapiro and the embrace of Walz are the logical outcomes of the dominant Democratic Party ideology as my post from last October pointed out.

One of my favorite Democratic commentators, Reuben Rodriguez, notes of the Walz selection:

Harris & Walz have records that make Rs lose their minds.

Issue for Rs is 90% of the country is against this stuff but "b/c everyone hates it, no one BELIEVES it's real".

So Rs come off as crazy describing something that did in fact happen.

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